Peer-Reviewed Publications
“Gendered Jobs and Local Leaders: Women, Work, and the Pipeline to Local Office.” With Mirya Holman. Cambridge University Press, 2025.
“The Silenced Text: Field Experiments on Gendered Experiences of Political Participation.” With Alan Yan. American Political Science Review, 2023.
“Does Gender Stereotyping Affect Women at the Ballot Box? New Evidence from Local Elections in the United States.” With Sarah Anzia. British Journal of Political Science, 2022.
Media coverage in FiveThirtyEight, 2019: Americans Say They Would Vote for a Woman, But…
“Men and Women Candidates Similarly Persistent after Losing Elections.” With Justin de Benedictis-Kessner. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021.
Media coverage in Forbes Magazine, 2021. “Kathy Hochul Is Now One Of Nine Female Governors, But Narrowing Gender Gap Requires Less Scrutiny.”
Media coverage in The Loop, 2021. “Nevertheless, she persisted: what we know about women running for office in the United States.”
Media coverage in Undisciplined, Utah Public Radio, 2021. “The Years of the Woman.”
Media coverage in UC Davis Dateline, 2021. “Women Are Seeking Election for the Long Haul.”
Media coverage in Nuffield College Magazine, 2021. “Are Women Candidates Sore Losers?”
“To Emerge? Breadwinner Status and Women’s Decisions to Run for Office.” With Shauna Shames and Dawn Teele. American Political Science Review, 2021.
Media coverage in Yes! Magazine, 2018: 2,200 Women Who Ran for Office in 2018 Lost. What’s Next for Them?
Media coverage in Glamour Magazine, 2017: Want to Get More Women Elected? According to a New Study, This Is How You Can Help.
Media coverage in San Francisco Chronicle, 2016: Political Women Gather to Shake Off Loss, Look for Way Forward.
“Wearing the Pants? Gendered Leadership Styles and Candidate Evaluations.” Politics and Gender, 2021.
Media coverage in California Magazine, 2016: Coded and Loaded: How Politicians Talk About Race and Gender Without Really Talking About Race and Gender.
Media coverage in Promise of Berkeley Magazine, 2016. Do Voters Prefer Well-Behaved Women?
Media coverage in Berkeley News, 2015: Women Candidates and Winning Mixes of Femininity, Masculinity.
Good Reasons to Run: Women and Political Candidacy. Edited with Shauna Shames, Dawn Teele, and Mirya Holman. Temple University Press, 2020.
Winner, Choice Outstanding Academic Titles, 2020
Featured on New Books Network podcast, 2020
Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics (2021) and the Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy (2021)
“Who Runs? A Case Study of Emerge America’s Alumnae.” With Shauna Shames, Rachel Silbermann, and Dawn Teele. In Good Reasons to Run, Temple University Press, 2020.
“Beyond Ambition.” Edited with Mirya Holman, Shauna Shames, and Dawn Teele. Dialogue in Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2019.
“The More You Know: Voter Heuristics and the Information Search.” With Sean Freeder. Political Behavior, 2021 (2018).
Winner, APSA Best Article in Political Behavior Award, 2021
“IGS Survey Finds Support for Extending Taxes on Wealthy, Legalizing Marijuana, and Toughening Gun Control.” With Jack Citrin, Gabriel Lenz, and Ethan Rarick. California Journal of Politics and Policy, 2016.
“Design of Lightweight Robots for Over-Snow Mobility.” With James Lever and Sally Shoop. Journal of Terramechanics, 2009.
Working Papers
—Note all working papers are subject to change, and links may not be updated while papers are under review—
“A Rich Woman's World? Wealth and Gendered Paths to Office.” With Andrew Eggers and Marko Klašnja. Under review.
Winner of the 2018 Carrie Chapman Catt Prize and the 2019 Elsie Hillman Prize
“The Visual Conjoint: A New Solution for Social Desirability Bias.” Under review.
“Gendering Political Campaigns.” Revising.
In Progress
Kiss, Marry, Kill: Appearance-Based Discrimination in Politics. Book manuscript in progress.
My book project, Kiss, Marry, Kill: Appearance-Based Discrimination in Politics, uses both real election data and survey experiments to show that voters express bias against older and less conventionally attractive women, and against candidates of color perceived to have more dominant or “threatening” faces. These effects are large enough to change the results of close elections. Moreover, an increase in mail-in voting thanks to COVID-19 means that these behaviors may become more widespread as more voters receive candidate appearance cues in their state-provided voting materials.